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Spinal manipulation is a physical therapy technique used to treat back pain, neck pain, and other common musculoskeletal conditions affecting over 31 million people in the USA and across the globe. The technique involves moving and jolting joints, exercise, and physical therapy to relieve pressure on joints, reduce inflammation and enhance overall nerve function. Chiropractors, occupational therapists, and osteopathic physicians usually use manipulation of the spine to relieve patients of pain and suffering.

Here’s all you need to know:

Who uses spinal manipulation?

An NHIS study reveals that among the U.S adults who use this type of technique, 67 percent use it to treat a specific condition, 43 percent use it for general wellness and disease prevention. Another 25 percent use it to focus on the whole body. In comparison, a further 16 percent use it for improved energy. The data also reveals women were more likely to use the technique than men.

Types of Spinal manipulation techniques

Ideally, chiropractors adopt an ideal manipulation technique based on the specific needs of a patient. There are at least two techniques of spinal manipulation involving some forceful adjustment and less forceful adjustments. These include:

Spinal Manipulation (High-Velocity Low-Amplitude Thrust)

The high-velocity low amplitude thrust manipulation technique is frequently used for several conditions. Notably, this technique often results in a loud “pop sound,” as chiropractors apply controlled, sudden force to a joint. While the treatment is being administered, the patient’s body is typically positioned in a specific way.

Spinal Mobilization (Low-Force or Gentle Chiropractic Techniques)

Some conditions may necessitate the need for a gentler approach commonly known as spinal mobilization. Besides pathology, the patient’s size, comfort, and preference also determine whether this technique will be used. Ideally, some clinicians and patients favor moderate spinal mobilization approaches that do not require twisting the body or a forceful thrust.

What are the benefits of spinal manipulation?

There are several benefits, when used to treat common conditions. These include:

Immediate pain relief

The most crucial benefit of spinal manipulation is the relief of pain. Compared to other treatment options, manipulation can almost offer instant relief from most or all of the pain you are experiencing in the head, shoulders, neck, back, and lower back. Notably, you can be pain-free from just one visit to the chiropractor.

Avoidance of surgery

Spinal manipulation is not invasive and, where it is used effectively, can prevent you from undergoing surgery. If you are looking for options to help you avoid visiting your surgeon, consider this technique. There is substantial proof that the technique can reduce or eliminate your symptoms almost immediately, thus eliminating a need for a surgeon.

Reduced drug dependency

Ideally, it can help you avoid depending on drugs to get relief from pain. Notably, prescription and over-the-counter pain medication can cause serious side effects including addiction, and damage to internal organs. If you use spinal manipulation effectively, your pain symptoms will reduce drastically, reducing the need for you to rely on pain pills.

Improved range of motion

It increases flexibility, thereby increasing the patient’s range of motion. Where it is used in combination with exercise, the technique can effectively strengthen your core muscles and improve your movement in your back, shoulder, and neck. This not only provides better flexibility but will also help you feel a lot better.

What are the pain conditions that spinal manipulation can treat?

Some of the pain conditions that can be effectively treated using manipulation technique include:

  • Sciatica- Sciatica is pain that relates to the sciatic nerve. This is the nerve that controls muscles in the back of the knee and the lower leg.
  • Lower back pain-spinal manipulation can provide immediate short-term relief from severe low back and neck pain. Manipulation has been proved more effective than standard treatments such as acupuncture.
  • Neck pain– patients with acute back pain who use manipulation get better results than when they use medication both in the short and long term.
  • Headache – spinal manipulation is one of the effective complementary health approaches used to prevent migraines.
  • Other conditions– spinal manipulation can also be used for other conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, infant colic, bedwetting, fibromyalgia, and children’s ear infections.

Is spinal manipulation safe?

The safety of spinal manipulation techniques is guaranteed when performed by trained and licensed practitioners. However, patients may experience side effects such as temporary muscle soreness, stiffness, or a temporary increase in pain. Notably, 2012 research reveals using spinal manipulation during pregnancy may cause a few problems after childbirth. These issues could be mild, temporary pain to life-threatening injuries. However, the study found adverse incidents happened only after cervical manipulation.

You should also take into account that certain conditions such as osteoporosis, a heart condition, some types of cancers, severe spinal injuries may not be compatible with spinal manipulation. Importantly, if you have a preexisting condition, it is crucial that you speak to your doctor first before you start the therapy. You should also ensure your physiotherapist is qualified and licensed to perform spinal manipulation.

Trust Swan Medical For Exceptional Chiropractic Care

study reveals spinal manipulation to be highly effective in relieving chronic lower back pain (pain lasting for four or more weeks). The study also reveals that the technique could also help ease acute lower back pain that lasted less than four weeks. Notably, when patients are subjected to six-week mobilization treatments, the technique proved to be highly effective in treating neck pain.

At Swann Medical, our highly trained and experienced staff is ready to relieve you of all pain so that you live a healthy life once again. Our chiropractic care ensures you gain control of your back pain and overall health. Our services include in-depth spinal diagnosis, nonsurgical treatment, primary chiropractic care, auto injury rehabilitation, physical therapy, and more. We leverage our extensive tools and knowledge to relieve your pain and cure dozens of ailments. Contact us today for the best auto accident injury treatment and other services.

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(813) 253-5969


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508 S. Habana Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33609

2525 E Hillsborough Ave. Suite 111 Tampa, FL 33610

1501 S Alexander St Suite 103 Plant City, FL 33563

Service Areas Include:

Auto Injuries Treatment Chiropractic Care Medical Services Physiotherapy Spinal Decompression
